Transformer Test Van

Transformer Test Van


  • Insulation Resistance Measurements
  • Automatic tangent delta (dissipation factor) and capacity measurements
  • DC winding resistance measurements and tap changer test
  • Turns ratio and vector group verification

TransLAB5, the latest and most modern Transformer Test Van, is the ideal solution for substation commissioning and maintenance of power transformers. The multi-functional three-phase system cuts the testing time to a 3rd of the time when compared to conventional single phase systems. It provides insight into the condition of every part of a transformer with a number of  routine electrical tests.

During commissioning and operation, it is essential that your power transformer is in good condition. Various negative influences such as overload, moisture, short-circuit stresses, switching surges can impact the expected lifetime throughout a transformer’s lifecycle.

Regularly performing a range of standard electrical tests has proven an effective way to gain a reliable insight into the operating condition of your transformers and can extend their lifespan

The transformer test van performs a number of conventional testing methods such  as:

  1. Automatic Tangent Delta and Capacity Measurements
  2. Three Phase Transformer Turns Ratio Measurements
  3. Transformer DC Winding Resistance Measurements and OLTC verification
  4. Sweep Frequency Response Analyzing (SFRA) Measurements
  5. Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) Measurements
  6. Insulation resistance measurements
  7. High Voltage AC Withstand tests up to 100 kV

And other optional Electrical tests on instrument transformers available upon request.

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